Saturday, April 16, 2011

J is for Joshua

My favorite J word is Joshua. He is my youngest son. Although he is 24, married and has a family of his own, he is still my baby boy. He will always make me smile and he is never afraid to laugh.

When I was pregnant with Josh, I already had 2 little boys at home. Everyone told me that this was my girl. I always knew in my heart, I was going to have another son. And he came into the world as fast as he became a part of my heart. My entire labor labor lasted only 45 minutes! Welcome Joshua Allen Madsen!

When he was 15 months old we discovered he had severe food allergies. We were at a pizza parlor when Josh suddenly started coughing and wheezing. He couldn't breathe. I grabbed him (leaving my husband and the other 2 boys at the pizza parlor), and drove him to the ambulance company. My future brother in law remembers opening the door to this frantic woman pleading for help because her baby couldn't breathe. This became Josh's first ambulance ride.

He was always be a loving child. And continues to be a loving man. He inspires me to never take myself so seriously that I can't laugh. Josh helps me appreciate and see joy in the little things.

He is a good husband and father. He serves in our military. It doesn't matter if he is singing, dancing, or just acting like a clown, Josh can make anyone smile. He is witty and has a great sense of humor. I am very proud of him.

I love you son!

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