Tuesday, May 10, 2011

V is for Void

Today's post is more of a challenge. How do you fill a void in your life? Everyone has a different tool that they use. Some fill their voids with destructive behavior while others use intelligent stimulation to fill their voids.

It got me thinking. I used to fill the void with useless computer games. But seriously! How fulfilling is planting another corn stalk on a fake farm? I try to fill my time with more constructive projects. I now subject you, my readers, to my personal insight. HaHa!!

No really. There is a void in a mom's life when her children grow and leave the nest. This void leads to a rediscovery of who she is as a person. That is what I have been doing with my "void". I find that blogging has made me more aware of who I am as an individual person. It has also brought me back to some of my favorite hobbies. Reading, Photography, and Crafting.

How do you fill your void? Let me know!


  1. Gosh, that's a good one and for me it depends on the void. I always try to fill it constructively... usually delving into favorite hobbies like reading and writing (and subjecting my readers to my random ramblings). I also like thinking of creative and new activities with my children who are still at home. :-)
    Have a great day!

  2. I must say, reading and writing to fill a void.

  3. I am your latest follower from the Friday blog hop. I am new to blogging but it definitely has started to fill a void for me.


  4. Hi Monica. I agree that Blogging helps to fill a void. I lost my mum 5 years ago and subsequently discovered I was pregnant with my youngest son. Then I was made redundant. What do I do now?! I put 2 and 2 together and started new void-filling career, working by myself and creating a free website for families to presrve their life stories and memories on a chronological timeline. I definitely have no void now!LOL http://www.saveeverystep.com


I appreciate you stopping and leaving me a hello!